Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Best Fruit Salad

This is, in my opinion, the best combination of fruits for a fruit salad especially since tropical fruit is my favorite kind :).

1 ripe Mango
1 Red Papaya
2 Kiwis
1 small container of Raspberries

And, because it's always fun to see why certain delicious foods are good for you, here is some nutritious info about papayas:

"The most common use for papaya is to aid digestion. Papayas are the only natural source of papain, an effective natural digestive aid, which breaks down protein and cleanses the digestive track. This means less food settles into the metabolism and becomes fat, making papayas’ natural digestive properties an advantage to people trying to lose weight — especially for people who may cheat on their diets, said Homero Levy de Barros, president and CEO, Caliman International.

But in addition to assisting the body in digestion, papayas pack a nutritional wallop. Known as a “nutritional masterpiece,” papayas are rich in vitamin C, folate, and potassium. They are also good sources of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin E, the eye-saving carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, and lycopene. A papaya has a lycopene level of about 2,000 ug per 100g (or 3,000 ug in one slice of papaya of 150g)."


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